Hotel pod Ciżemką,  Sandomierz
,  Sandomierz

Additional attraction

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    1. Cycle tracks

  • The green track: it begins in Sandomierz. It runs through small villages where the traffic is very small. The track goes along with asphalt Road. The track runs through Skotniki village where is located a Gohic church from the 13th century. From Skotniki village you cross Koprzywnica where you can find the church and the former monastery buildings belonging to the Cistercian monks. From Koprzywnica with extremely picturesque areas you get to Klimontów village passing through Sulisławice village. In Klimontów you can see two churches from 17th century. In Górki Klimontowskie you pass through neo-Renaissance palace that once belonged to the Ledóchowski family then Karski family. From Górki Klimontowskie you go through the asphalt road to the village called Ujazd where are the ruins of the castle called Krzyżtopór. The length of the track is about 50 km.
  • The yellow track: leading through a very picturesque area called Dolina Opatówki. The track begins in Sandomierz passing through Chwałki village and then Radoszki village where radiolocation stadion is. Then you pass successively through Dacharzów, Zagrody, Pęczyny, Dobrocice, Pielaszów, Męczenice, Malice Kościelne, Nikisiałka Mała, Karwów and Wąworków. You are passing through neo-Romanesque church and ruins of the castle in Międzygórze. In Karwów there is a spring of blessed Wincent Kadłubek where according to tradition he was born. Then you go to Tudorów where you can see ruins of medieval watchtower . From Tudorów you go to Opatów. The length of the tracki s about 35 km.
  • The yellow track from the series of landscapes of Sandomierz: it begins from theOld Town Square and then you cross the bridge over the Vistula River and Just behind the bridge you turn right. Passing through Koćmierzów village you Reach Wielowieś where a Dominican monastery and church are located. From there you go to Trześń village from where you go back to Sandomierz. Thelength of the track is about 22 km and all the time you have got a view on Sandomierz panorama from the side of the Vistula River.
  • The blue track from the series of landscapes of Sandomierz: it begins from the Old Town Square heading to Kwiatkowskiego Street and Rzeczyca village. Then you go to Nowe Kichary village where at the crossroads of dirt Road you pass the chapel o 17th century. In less than a kilometer you Reach the ruins of the tower which is the remain of Sisters Benedictine manor from the 17th century. Then you Reach Dwikozy village, Kamień Nowy and Pieprzowe Mountains from where you go back to Sandomierz. The length of the tracki s less than 24 km.

    2. Cruise

  • Cruise along the Vistula River

During the cruise along the Vistula River you can see a panoramic view of Sandomierz a town located on a high slope. The view impresses and is a subject of works of painters and poets. Captivates churches towers and majestic Collegium Gostomianum. The cruise usually lass half an hor. Fifteen minutes down and up the Vistula River. A Total of five and a half kilometer cruise along the Vistula River in Sandomierz.

  • - Sunset on the Island

The two hor cruise along the Vistula River upstreams with a stop at an excellent vantage point where you can light a campfire or make a barbecie. The contact with thenature will leave unforgetable impression and make the sunset a thing that you will remem ber for a long time even after the departure of Sandomierz. The two hor cruise along the Vistula River in Sandomierz is possibile only under favorable water levels and takes place on individual orders.

    3. Knight’s armory in Sandomierz – is one of the most amazing places in Sandomierz. Near the main square of the Old Town the Knightsof Sandomierz have their headquarter. In the armory you may not only see but also try on the knight’s armor, take the sword, crossbow or halberd in your hands. Girls may feel like a Renaissance and Baroque princesses for a moment. In each place of the armory you are allowed to take photo in order yo have an amazing souvenir. In the season the Knight’s armory is open to the public from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. After the season the armory is closed. Knight’s armory have a large exposure of weapons: pikes, halberds, spears, melee weapon (swords, axes, daggers), shields, helmets, guns from the 15th and 17th century, harquebus, muskets. Among the misterious rooms there is a „torture chamber” where are the stocks, the whipping post and dishonor masks. The armory is mosty visited by the school trias, children in etery age, even by high school students. Nowadays the Knight’s armory is one of the most visited tourists attractions in Sandomierz.

    4. Queen Jadwiga’s Ravine – separatek the hills of St James and St Pauls. It is the most beutiful ravine among loes soil ravines in Sandomierz. Its steep walls Reach the hight over 10 meters. The slopes of the ravine and its crown are covered with trees and bushes. Another interesting ravine is St James ravine also called Old-town. The Old-towne ravine is located opposite the St. James church.

    5. Bishop’s Palace – built in the year 1846, 46 years after the creation of the Diocese of Sandomierz. It is located on Mariacka Street near the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There were used bricks from the demolition of the Church of Mary Magdalene for the construction. In June 12th, 1999 at the Palace the Polish Pope John Paul II ate lunch and rested. On this day on grasslands He concelebrated the service for half milion crown of pilgrims. Currently in the Palace is living the Bishop of the Diocese of Sandomierz.

    6. Striped flint – there is only one place in the Word where this kind of flint occurs – it is in Sandomierz. Besides beauty its unquestionable advantage is that it is unique. It is rarer than the most epensive stone in the world which is diamond. Tourists can see this exeptional stone in galleries and the museum in the Castle. As the main prompter of flint in jewellery is considered an artist from Sandomierz Cezary Łutowicz. It was He who in the 70s introduced this unusual stone as a piece of jewellery. Nowadays the striped flint is being sell in the best reputable jeweller’s shops. Artist’s studio is located on the Old Town next to the City Hall at Poniatowskego 4. In 2013 in front of the studio there was installed a ring with a giant striped flint. The weight of the whole ring is 80 kg and the weight of embedded stone with the logo of Sandomierz is about 30 kg. The originator of this installation is also Cezary Łutowicz whose intention was to promowe Sandomierz as the World Capital of Flint – the Stone of Optimism.

    7. Piłsudski’s Boulevard – as a part of revitalization of the Old Town in Sandomierz there was a returning to the old glorious traditions of the port city. Even before World War II the sites of the Vistula River teemed with life. At this point there were held an interesting urban events and have operatem a large river port. Since 2009 with significant support from EU funds Piłsudski’s Boulevard has changed. The Vistula waterfront was renovated as well as the Old Port has developer. As a part off theproject there was created a port for sailing equipment, playground, open-air stage and promenade along the Vistula River. There are also specialty designated barbecie areas, additional parking and New toilets. Moreover, there were organized and developer green areas. In the original building there has been opened tourist information.

    8. Piszczele Park – Sandomierz is a city frequently visited by tourists. It must be remembered that in addition to beautiful architecture which attracts visitors from cross the Poland there are also other atractions. Piszczele Park is the best example. The diverse landscape of the park and picturesque location among ravines, gorges and hills is attracting the attention of pe ople seeking contact with nature and the one who wants to Rest from daily routine. There are of ten organized recreational and cyltural events for the townspeople as well as for tourists. You can go for a walk there, enjoy cycling or relax on one of many benches. There are also attractions for fans of active recreation such as basketball pitch, skate park or a nice playground for children. The greatest success, however, has the”Path of Tarzan” a rope park called „Money grone” which is a big attraction for children with varying degrees of difficulty with professional service. There are also a bonfires and stationary grills available after ordering and ma king a fee to the administrator. In the area in the building of „Zielone Centrum Kultury” there is a cozy cafe. You can also sit and observe a spring that floks through the center in prepered for this purpose gazebo. In Winter Piszczele Park chan ges in the small Winter sports resort. The skiers are invited to make use of chair lift with length of 60m and lighted slope of the difference in height of 8 m. There is a lot of entrances to the park, one of them is the avenue called chess avenue. On both sides are set chess pieces made of sandstone each with height of 70cm and a weight of about 300kg which are replicas of the original 19th century chess wjich according to the legend the Queen Jadwiga was playing herself. At dusk the park also looks effectively. Plenty of stylisk lamps illuminates the park in the darkness.

    9. Salve Regina – in the south-western part of Sandomierz on the housing development of Krakówka there is a mysterious hill Salve Regina. The hill is connected with many legends. According to one of them the mound was piled over a stack of cremated Dobies. Another says that this is the burial place of Dominicans murdered by the Mongols. At the top of the hill there is a statue with a cross decorated with a bas-relief of the Virgin Mary with Child. The statue was erected to commemorate the Confederation of Bar.

Urozmaicimy Twój Pobyt

Mamy dla Państwa możliwość wyjścia poza ramy standardowego zwiedzania i urozmaicić Państwa wypoczynek o atrakcje, które dostarczą ogromnej ilości wrażeń i pozostaną w pamięci na długo!

Specjalnie dla naszych Gości poszerzyliśmy ofertę o:

- mobilne zwiedzanie starego miasta Meleksami;

- wizytę w winnicach  w okolicy Sandomierza połączonymi z degustacjami;

- rejsy po Wiśle repliką jednej z niewielu w Polsce łodzi flisackich lub statkiem;

- przejażdżki off-roadowe o różnym poziomie trudności w wyjątkowej scenerii;

- spływy kajakowe o różnym czasie trwania pozwalające relaksować się i podziwiać

    piękną dolinę rzeki Wisły.

- zwiedzanie Żywego Muzeum Porcelany w Ćmielowie

Każda oferta dobierana jest indywidualnie dla naszych klientów.

Zwiedzanie winnic

Wycieczka po winnicach w okolicach Sandomierza podczas której dowiedzą się Państwo o szczegółach produkcji autorskiego wina oraz będą Państwo mieli możliwość degustacji kilku rodzajów wina.

Zwiedzanie miasta meleksem

Oferta idealna na upalne dni, zarówno dla osób starszych i rodzin z dziećmi, jako przedsmak dokładnego zwiedzania zabytków Sandomierza, aby zapoznać się z topografią Starego Miasta. Czas trwania około godziny.

Rejs łodzią flisacką

Niezapomniana, godzinna wycieczka wzdłuż Doliny Wisły, podczas której możemy podziwiać  piękno przyrody oraz panoramę Sandomierza z pokładu jedynej takiej łodzi w regionie. Istnieje możliwość zarezerwowania rejsu podczas którego możemy podziwiaćzachód słońca nad wiślanymi plażami.

Rejs statkiem po Wiśle

Rejs statkiem to jedna z najprzyjemniejszych form zwiedzania Sandomierza. Płynąc w górę rzeki Wisły podziwiamy panoramę Starego Miasta oraz przyrodę Gór Pieprzowych. Rejs trwa pół godziny. Statek odpływa z przystani na bulwarze.

Wycieczki off-roadowe

Wycieczki nieprzejezdnymi, ukrytymi trasami, górami i wąwozami.Przejażdżka podczas której będzie można zobaczyć niedostępne tereny Wisły, dzikie ptactwo, żeremia bobrów, kamieniołomy,źródełka, stare młyny i wiele innych atrakcji. Świetna zabawa połączona z wieloma emocjami.

Spływy kajakowe

Szeroka oferta przygotowana zarówno dla laików,rodzin z dziećmi, jak również zaawansowanych w sportach wodnych. Oferujemy spływy grupowe i indywidualne. Spływ to wyjątkowy relaks połączony z aktywnym wypoczynkiem z widokiem na malowniczetereny Doliny Wisły, panoramy Sandomierza i Gór Pieprzowych.

 Żywe Muzeum porcelany w Ćmielowie

  Odwiedź pierwsze w Polsce Żywe Muzeum Porcelany w Ćmelowie utworzone w roku 2005. W ofercie:

  • zwiedzanie Muzeum z przewodnikiem
  • pokaz produkcji porcelany
  • warsztaty ceramiczne
  • wystawa starej porcelany
  • galeria ikon i obrazów na porcelanie
  • sklep firmowy
  • aleja rzeźb
  • galeria sztuki współczesnej van Rij - największy w Europie zbiór prac światowej sławy artysty Lubomira Tomaszewskiego-obrazy ,,ogniem malowane ''oraz rzeżby tworzone w ,,duecie z naturą''
Standard with two beds
from 299PLN /night
from 299PLN /night

All rooms are located in the attic (two floors, no elevator). In each room there is a bathroom with shower, TV, minibar, welcome kit (tea / coffee kettle ...

Room details

Standard with two beds

  • Area: 23-26m2
  • Max. per: 2
Standard double
from 299PLN /night
from 299PLN /night

All rooms are located in the attic (two floors, no elevator). In each room there is a bathroom with shower, TV, minibar, welcome kit (tea / coffee kettle ...

Room details

Standard double

  • Area: 15-17m2
  • Max. per: 2
Delux with view of the market
from 359PLN /night
from 359PLN /night

All rooms are located in the attic (two floors, no elevator). In each room there is a bathroom with shower, TV, minibar, welcome kit (tea / coffee kettle ...

Room details

Delux with view of the market

  • Area: 22-24m2
  • Max. per: 2
Studio Superior
from 409PLN /night
from 409PLN /night

All rooms are located in the attic (two floors, no elevator). In each room there is a bathroom with shower, TV, minibar, welcome kit (tea / coffee kettle ...

Room details

Studio Superior

  • Area: 28m2
  • Max. per: 2
Royal Apartment
from 255PLN /night
from 255PLN /night

The Royal Apartment is located at 2/34 Maciejowskiego Street in Sandomierz.  The price of the apartment does not include the cost of breakfasts. This ...

Room details

Royal Apartment

  • Max. per: 4
Family Apartment Economy

Apartament Sandomierski mieści się na ul. Żółkiewskiego 3/84 w Sandomierzu, w odległości ok. 2 km od rynku. Cena nie obejmuje kosztu śniadań.

Room details

Family Apartment Economy

  • Max. per: 4
See all

ul. Rynek 27
27-600 Sandomierz, Polska

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